The ultimate aim of the maths curriculum is to prepare pupils for life after Dove House so that they have the skills and confidence to deal with numeracy in real life situations and future employment.
At Dove House our maths curriculum is designed to create confident, enthusiastic, and resilient learners who maximise their potential and gain the relevant mathematical skills to prepare them for adulthood.
The majority of pupils who attend Dove House Academy have developing their numeracy skills and low self-esteem in maths as outcomes on their EHCP. A significant number of these pupils may have had challenges with maths in their primary setting and will sometimes have a number of gaps in their knowledge, coupled with confidence and anxieties issues around maths in general and specific subtopics.
It is our intent to relentlessly pursue ways to help everyone reach their own personal potential by developing confidence and self-esteem in maths. Where confidence and self-esteem issues exist; learning is limited. We pride ourselves on championing maths as a subject which is not just about being right or wrong, but about how we learn from the process of trying different approaches in order to solve problems.
Our Key Stage 3 curriculum focuses on addressing any knowledge gaps and misconceptions with a focus on developing a deep and meaningful understanding of key concepts through a mastery approach.
At Key Stage Four, pupils work towards the qualification that is appropriate to their ability and challenges them to achieve their full potential, with our most able pupils progressing to GCSE. We offer a range of qualifications including; AQA Unit Awards, AQA Entry Level Certificate, Edexcel Award in Number & Measure and Edexcel GCSE in Maths.
The Maths department has a shared commitment to ensure every student leaves with:
- An experience of accomplishment and enjoyment from their maths lessons;
- The core numerical skills which will allow them to thrive in their personal lives and to live as independently as possible; and
- An appropriate qualification in maths which will allow for them to continue on their journey with future education, training and employment.